International Erasmus+ Project

The Erasmus+ project Practice enterprise Network contributes to two goals:
1. Reducing and preventing ESL in vocational education and to reduce the number of NEETs  by using the Practice Enterprise methodology in all countries where this methodology is used.
2. Develop a model of innovative measures in order to ensure that the methodology remains future proof.

In the project we exchange good practices, including good practice learning and coaching in Practice Enterprises, by developing educational resources, develop manuals and a model for  implementing PEs and also establishing a National Central Office in the Netherlands. We investigate necessary measures to adapt the methodology of Practice Enterprises to future innovations and changes in businesses. 
We expect that through these activities the network of partners and network members will grow substantially and improve the knowledge and competences of future professionals in the field of practical education in the economic sector and in this way contribute to preventing ESL and give support to Neets in order to increase the number of Neets.

Project partners

EUROPEN-PEN International Administrator of the worldwide PE network Germany
Cofep / Connectief Central office Belgium Belgium
Fundació Inform Central office Spain Spain
ROC Nijmegen VET School running PE's The Netherlands
Gilde Opleidingen VET School running PE's The Netherlands
Stichting Praktijkleren (applicant) provider of tools for practical learning The Netherlands