PEN worldwide Valentine's week (3 dagen)

Valentijn's week met diverse acties, waaronder een online handelsbeurs en een elevator pitch-competitie

Bericht van PenWorldWide,
de overkoepelende organisatie van alle practice enterprises in de wereld

We are happy to announce that we are opening the registrations for the PEN Valentine’s Trading Week 2022! The 2nd edition of the PEN Valentine’s Trading Week takes place from February 14-16, 2022. This online event has the theme “Celebrating Diversity” and will include commercial trading activities as well as an Elevator Pitch Competition focusing on the diversity of the Worldwide Practice Enterprise Network.

PEN Valentine’s Trading Event: Monday, February 14 – Wednesday, February 16, 2022

PEN Valentine’s Elevator Pitch Competition: Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Any other questions? Contact the events team at events(at)